
Working Moms


Dear Moms,

Whether you stay at home to raise your kids, work from home and raise your kids, or go into work and raise your kids, you are ALL my heroes. Truly. If you're a mother stop right now and give yourself a hug from me for all the hard work you do to care for your children, your partner, your house, and the endless things in between. I know firsthand what superheroes you really are, as I fit into this category as well. From all the moms I've met and the playdates I've been on, I wanted to give one huge, giant, and monumental piece of advice:


Remember to take the best care of yourself.


I bet without you things would begin to fall apart. You keep it all together for everyone, and for that, they will be eternally grateful. But be sure you include sure to include caring for yourself as well because if you aren't, everyone else will begin to suffer as well. Below are a few ideas of some self-care I personally use to keep my own life in balance.

  • Get up early before anyone else in my house to do a mini yoga practise and a short meditation.
  • Read or listen to something every day that inspires and educates me to be the best version of myself. My favourite podcasts are from Mindvalley.
  • Journal a few times per week all my thoughts, feelings, ideas, or anything to express my truth.
  • Follow a daily beauty regimen for my face, body, and hair.
  • Consciously focus on nutrition and exercise. The most challenging aspect is to ensure I eat regularly and not skip meals.

Don't get me wrong, life happens and I cannot always commit to my self-care in the ways I would like. In those trying times, I choose to take a few minutes a few times a day and just breathe. I mentally send out compassion to the world and list all the things I'm grateful for. Never underestimate taking a few peaceful moments to yourself. I guarantee you deserve it.

Yours Truly,



For all your working mom and real estate needs, contact me today. Let's support each other as working moms.