
Planting Seeds


Planting Seeds

Persevering like a boss! And this is what it looks like today... I am hand-making seed packs to give away as a hopefully clever marketing ploy, but equally as important, to be planted. I can only imagine if even half of these seeds were planted, how much more butterfly and bee food we could make available. Okay, totally obsessed with this idea. Not sure the exact motive behind my love for wild insects but the one that mainly comes to mind is that I want mother nature to thrive the way it was intended. This brings me joy. I also enjoy just seeing bees, butterflies, and other insects in my garden. This makes perfect sense for who I am and what I want. I hope other people see it too!


"If the heart chakra were in nature it would be the blissful wind that carries the pollen through the air and the insects that pollinate plants and encourage them to grow."ย  ~ Kyle Gray, Raise Your Vibration, Pg 107.
