
My Intention


My Intention

My intention is to provide superior customer service, help you put down roots in my beautiful community, and plant a lot of trees! I have 500 spruce seedling trees ready to go to their new homes in my community. I would like to take the time to set my intention for these little trees and my marketing efforts.

I have 3 intentions:

1) My hope is that every tree seedling received will be planted and nourished by the recipient so it may thrive in mother nature. My contribution begins in making my community flourish. I want to see these trees take root and grow, to provide fresher air and create homes for insects and animals.

2) I want to help people put down roots in our beautiful community... Not just a house you live in, but a safe and loving home for you and your family to grow in.

3) To use my abundance from real estate to better serve my own family as well as create a healing center for others, to fulfill my life path and purpose.

If you are interested in receiving a tree seedling for your property, or anything else real estate, contact me today. Let me help you put down roots in our beautiful community.