



A friend of mine from my University days reminded me recently about the importance of practicing mindfulness. "Mindfulness is the psychological process of bringing one's attention to experiences occurring in the present moment, which can be developed through the practice of meditation and other training." ~ Wikipedia

How often do you practice living in the present moment? Don't feel guilty if your answer is not often. Our society promotes that we crunch more and more into our already full schedules. But what we should be trying to schedule is time for ourselves to practice mindfulness. With practices such as meditating, we can train our brains to be more mindful in all the tasks we are doing. Meditation is difficult. May I suggest a guided meditation to start with? Check for local classes or online. I recommend Sabrina Savoy from Beeton.

I have recently found practicing mindfulness most helpful while eating meals. I have been notorious for eating while watching TV or reading. This takes away almost all focus on our meal, including what we are eating, how much we are eating, and how our body is feeling while we are eating. I know this has been a major culprit to adding a few more inches and pounds to my waistline. So this is where I am currently bringing some mindfulness. Where do you need mindfulness the most in your life?



For more information about mindfulness, or anything else real estate, contact me today. Let me help you put down roots in our beautiful community.