
How to Make the Most of Staying Home


How to Make the Most of Staying Home

I have mastered working from home and being a stay-at-home-mom over the past 4 years. Here are some of my suggestions that you may find helpful in finding your best self during these changing times.


Create a Lose Routine

  • During the week, wake up around the same time.
  • Get dressed and ready for the day.
  • Make breakfast and plan your lunch and dinner at this time, catch up on news, etc.
  • Use a calendar to plan activities that need to be done such as finances and budgeting, grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning, etc.


Minimize Time on Social Media

Social media is a wonderful way to connect, especially in a time where we cannot physically connect, BUT there is a limit on our positive exposure to it. When we start to absorb negativity or a constant need to scroll out of boredom, we develop brain fry and just need to put our phones or tablets down and leave them behind. If you have that boredom feeling wash over you, try the next suggestion immediately and it's sure to change your mood.


Spend Time Every Day in Nature

Being outside is amazing for our mental and physical health. I believe that connecting with nature on a daily basis is the best medicine we could possibly give ourselves.


Spend 1 Hour Per Day Learning

Choose a book or podcast to read or listen to for 1 hour each day. Educating your brain will create growth and expansion that inspires and creates different ways of thinking and behaving. It could also be exactly what you need to finally start on that one thing you've dreamed of doing. My favourite podcasts come from Mind Valley. Most of the books I read are gifted to me by people who know me the best or recommendations from inspirational speakers I follow on social media.


Create Mini Projects

Creating mini-projects is a great way to keep busy and get a whole lot done that you may have put off because you've been too busy. Some mini-projects you could create include:

  • Decluttering a closet, draw or entre room. Choose one spot per day as to not overwhelm yourself.
  • Paint walls or furniture to give them a fresh new look.
  • Re-arrange furniture or decor in your home to bring more functionality and joy.
  • Sort through storage in your basement and garage making piles to sell, donate, and dispose of.
  • Get outside to do yard work or garden cleaning. Create new and usable spaces outdoors.


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