
Comparing Ourselves


Comparing Ourselves

Comparing ourselves to others serves no higher purpose and will ultimately lower your universal vibration. The act of comparing comes from the ego. If you choose to let ego run the show you are no longer being true to yourself or living your authentic life.


I currently find myself comparing my ideas, dreams, journey and even self-worth to another beautiful soul. I no longer feel like I am good enough. I no longer feel worthy enough. Although I know I am on the correct path to my purpose and creating fulfillment in my life, these feelings still creep up and catch me off guard. So now what?

We have the power and choice to CHANGE OUR THOUGHTS. We have the power to change our thoughts and live from a place of conscious choice. I have acknowledged and accepted my feelings, now I know I can change my thoughts through the knowledge I have accumulated and the wisdom I have within. I now return to what I know to be true:

1) I want to see others thrive on their own life journey. Every person deserves to shine!

2) We are all unique. Who we are, what we will create, our contribution to this world will be different than that of another and it's a beautiful thing!

3) The divine will help co-create your vision and manifest your true purpose exactly how it should be. Take some pressure off these expectations of yourself! You are not alone.

4) Remember who you are. Every part of us is valuable. Others will connect in different ways to different pieces of ourselves. Work on remembering who you are and that will be enough!

5) We are all connected. If we all chose to live our authentic selves and didn't allow the ego to run the show, imagine the world we would create! This is the world I strive to create.

Be the change you want to see in the world. Live true to yourself. Find the beauty and imperfect perfection in being who you are, right now, in this moment.


Please feel free to contact me about comparing ourselves, or for any of your real estate needs. Let me help you put down roots in our beautiful community.